Composición, estructura y variaciones estacionales del zooplancton en la bahía de Kaneohe, Hawai


  • Xavier Chiappa Carrara Unidad de Investigación en Ecología Marina, FESZ, UNAM. Apdo. Postal 9-020, 09230 México D.F.
  • Laura Sanvicente-Añorve Unidad de Investigación en Ecología Marina, FESZ, UNAM. Apdo. Postal 9-020, 09230 México D.F.
  • Adela Moreal-Gómez Laboratorio de Oceanografía Física, ICMyL, UNAM. Apdo. Postal 70-305. 04510 México D.F.
  • David Salas de León Laboratorio de Oceanografía Física, ICMyL, UNAM. Apdo. Postal 70-305. 04510 México D.F.


diversity, quantitative structure, zooplankton, Kaneohe Bay, circulation


Annual variations in composition and quantitative structure of the zooplankton in two hydrological dissimilar sectors of Kaneohe Bay, Hawaii, were analyzed. In the northern sector, which is more influenced by oceanic waters, 35 taxa dominated by herbivores, were identified. In the semi-enclosed southern sector, 34 taxa were found. The holoplanktonic carnivores like Sagitta enflata and Lucifer chachei as well as differential residence time of the seston, are responsible of the zooplancton quantitative structure and diversity in the Bay.


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How to Cite

Chiappa Carrara, X., Sanvicente-Añorve, L., Moreal-Gómez, A., & Salas de León, D. (2016). Composición, estructura y variaciones estacionales del zooplancton en la bahía de Kaneohe, Hawai. HIDROBIOLÓGICA, 7(1), 41–50. Retrieved from




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