Anatomy of the oropharyngeal cavity of the “crevalle jack”, Caranx hippos (Linnaeus, 1766) (Teleostei: Carangidae)


  • Omar Beltrán Vinalay Universidad Autónoma Metropolitana
  • Abraham Kobelkowsky Díaz Universidad Autonoma Metropolitana


brachiocranium, dentition, visceral skeleton, visceral musculature


Background. Caranx hippos is among the species of the jack family fished in Mexico, and it is of great economic importance and ecological. However, studies regarding its trophic anatomy are scarce. Objectives. Analyze and describe the visceral skeleton, visceral musculature, and dentition of C. hippos. Methods. 20 specimens of this species were fixed in formaldehyde, preserved in ethylic alcohol, and analyzed. Their anatomy was compared with the other four species of the Carangidae family of the Gulf of Mexico. Results. It is recognized that the organization of the buccopharyngeal cavity of C. hippos corresponds to the morphological pattern of the piscivorous teleostean, nevertheless, some important characters are identified in the visceral skeleton, particularly in the palatine, hyomandibular, sphenoid, and suborbital 3 bones. Additionally, in the visceral musculature, some modifications of the dilatator operculi, levator arcus palatini, and adductor mandibulae muscles stand out. The presence of small plates with thin teeth is notable in several parts of the buccopharyngeal mucosa. Conclusions. The analysis of the buccopharyngeal cavity indicates that C. hippos is a species with carnivorous habits, mainly piscivorous.


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How to Cite

Beltrán Vinalay, O., & Kobelkowsky Díaz, A. (2023). Anatomy of the oropharyngeal cavity of the “crevalle jack”, Caranx hippos (Linnaeus, 1766) (Teleostei: Carangidae). HIDROBIOLÓGICA, 33(1). Retrieved from


