Evaluation of trophic status in the Pom-Atasta and Palizada del Este Fluvial-lagoon systems Campeche, Mexico


  • Rocío Muciño Márquez Revista Hidrobiológica Universidad Autónoma Metropolitana Unidad Iztapalapa Depto. Hidrobiología
  • Arturo Aguirre León
  • María Guadalupe Figueroa Torres




Gulf of Mexico, fluvial-lagoon systems, trophic index, water quality


Background. One of the most severe problems in coastal systems is eutrophication. It is a process of anthropic origin Tha t mainly increases the concentrations of nitrogen, organic matter, and/or phosphorus in bodies of water. The trophic index  most  used  in  Mexico  to  determine  the  state  of  coastal  or  marine  systems  is  the  TRIX  index.  Goals. To evaluate the trophic state of the Pom-Atasta (PA) and Palizada del Este fluvial-lagoon systems through the TRIX index. Methods. During different months from 2005 to 2014, water samples were collected at ten sampling sites for each fluvial-lagoon system to evaluate a number of physical variables (dissolved oxygen), chemicals (nitrogenous components and reactive phosphorus), and chlorophyll a , both on the surface andeat middle depths. The TRIX index was used to analyze the trophic state  of  the  systems. Results. The  PA  and  PE  systems  were  characterized  as  oligotrophic  systems  with  mesotrophic tendency. Conclusions.  We recommend that the water quality and the magnitude of cholorophyll  A  at the Pom-Atasta and Palilzadadel Este systems continue to be monitoredain order to establish seasonal or annual trends of the trophic state of these systems.


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How to Cite

Muciño Márquez, R., Aguirre León, A., & Figueroa Torres, M. G. (2018). Evaluation of trophic status in the Pom-Atasta and Palizada del Este Fluvial-lagoon systems Campeche, Mexico. HIDROBIOLÓGICA, 27(3), 281–291. https://doi.org/10.24275/uam/izt/dcbs/hidro/2017v27n3/Mucino




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