Weighed biovolume; an index for estimating the contribution of species in benthic diatom assemblages


  • Francisco Omar López Fuerte Universidad Autónoma de Baja California Sur. Depto. de Economía.
  • David A. Siqueiros Beltrones Depto. de Plancton y Ecología Marina. CICIMAR, IPN. Apartado postal 592 La Paz, Baja California Sur, México, C. P. 23000 E-mail: dsiquei@ipn.mx.
  • Gustavo De La Cruz Agüero Depto. Pesquerías y Biología Marina. CICIMAR, IPN.


Biovolume, total abundances, benthic diatoms


With the purpose of deriving an alternative way for assessing the contribution of diatom taxa in benthic assemblages to biomass, the weighed biovolume index (WBV) is here proposed. The biovolumen (BV) was computed for taxa collected from intertidal mangrove sediments. The taxa were selected on the basis of total abundances (TA) and linear size. The TA and BV values showed an apparent inverse relation. In this way, the combined use of these variables is proposed (as WBV) as a more precise approximation to the contribution (as biomass) of each taxon in the assemblage. Thus, the WBV is computed as the product of the total abundances (TA) times the BV for each taxon, divided by the ? BV(AT) of all the taxa in the sample and expressed as percentage.


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How to Cite

López Fuerte, F. O., Siqueiros Beltrones, D. A., & De La Cruz Agüero, G. (2017). Weighed biovolume; an index for estimating the contribution of species in benthic diatom assemblages. HIDROBIOLÓGICA, 17(1), 83–86. Retrieved from https://hidrobiologica.izt.uam.mx/index.php/revHidro/article/view/968



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