Composición química del zooplancton de la región central del Golfo de California durante el periodo marzo/abril de 1995


  • David Javier López-Cortés Centro de Investigaciones Biológicas del Noroeste (CIBNOR). Km 0.5 Carr. San Juan de la Costa, P. ""l Comitan" Apdo. Postal 128. La Paz, B.C.S.
  • Bertha Lavaniegos-Espejo Centro de Investigaciones Biológicas del Noroeste (CIBNOR). Km 0.5 Carr. San Juan de la Costa, P. ""l Comitan" Apdo. Postal 128. La Paz, B.C.S. Marine Life Research Group, Scripps Institution of Oceanography, University of California, San Diego, La Jolla, Ca. 92093-0227.
  • Jorge García-Pamanes Centro de Investigación Científica y Eduación Superior de Ensenada. Avenida Epinoza 843 Ensenada, B.C.
  • Francisco Hernández-Sandoval Centro de Investigaciones Biológicas del Noroeste (CIBNOR). Km 0.5 Carr. San Juan de la Costa, P. ""l Comitan" Apdo. Postal 128. La Paz, B.C.S.


Zooplankton, Chemical composition, Gulf of California


The biomass and biochemical composition of zooplankton was studied in the central region of the Gulf of California. Hydrographic conditions were typical of Spring, with strong winds, low temperatures (18-19ºC) and salinities of 35.0-34.5 ups in the surface layer (0-50 m). Below this depth a strong stratification of temperature and oxygen was found in the region, excepting in the Salsipuedes Sill. Mean values of wet weight, dry weight and organic weight were 285.67, 24.09, 12.10 mg m-3 respectively, with th lowest variation coefficient for the dry weight (35%). The mean content of proteins was 32.30 ± 7.82 of the dry weight, 13.53 ± 5.11 for lipids and 3.18 ± 1.25 for carbohydrates. These values are similar to those reported by other authors for the tropical and subtropical latitudes. Two species of dominant copepods were Calanus pacificus and Rhincalanus nasutus. Their chemical content is an indicator of nutritional quality.


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How to Cite

López-Cortés, D. J., Lavaniegos-Espejo, B., García-Pamanes, J., & Hernández-Sandoval, F. (2017). Composición química del zooplancton de la región central del Golfo de California durante el periodo marzo/abril de 1995. HIDROBIOLÓGICA, 9(1), 53–62. Retrieved from




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