Sistema Fotoelectrónico para titulaciones de oxígeno disuelto con alta precisión y su aplicación en oceanografía biológica


  • R. Cajal Medrano Facultad de Ciencias Marinas, Universidad Autónoma de Baja California, MÉXICO.
  • E. Mitrani Abenchuchan Centro de Investigación Científica y Educación Superior de Ensenada, MÉXICO
  • M. Castro Delgado Centro de Investigación Científica y Educación Superior de Ensenada, MÉXICO




The present paper describes the assemblage and emplayment of a portable and energetically low-demanding apparatus, designed to measure dissolved oxygen concentrations in the water. Its underlying technique is based in the absortion of light (wavelength=355nm) by the triodate fraction of a Winkler titrating solution. The proposed desin has allowed for an acceptable precission in water sample and standart solution itrations (0.1% ans 0.09 to 0.04%, respectively). These results equal those reported by other workers using similar instruments. Resolution and sensibility were assessed by mens of a 14C and 02 photosynthesis experiment; good accordance was found in between both sets of data, given the usage of a suitable photosynthetical quotient (PQ). Simplicity and sturdiness make this instrument very suitable for outdoor data gathering, as is often the case in the course of planctonic productivity and water column metabolism routines.


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How to Cite

Cajal Medrano, R., Mitrani Abenchuchan, E., & Castro Delgado, M. (2016). Sistema Fotoelectrónico para titulaciones de oxígeno disuelto con alta precisión y su aplicación en oceanografía biológica. HIDROBIOLÓGICA, 1(2), 11–20. Retrieved from


