Checklist and Abundance with New Records of Mayflies (Insecta: Ephemeroptera) to Sierra Maestra Mountain Range, Cuba


  • Pedro López Del Castillo Departamento de Zoología, Centro Oriental de Ecosistemas y Biodiversidad, Santiago de Cuba, Cuba.
  • Liliana María Gómez Luna Centro Nacional de Electromagnetismo Aplicado, Universidad de Oriente, Santiago de Cuba, Cuba.
  • Janice G. Peters Entomology, Florida A&M University, Florida, USA.
  • Germán M. López Iborra Departamento de Ecología/IMEM Ramón Margalef, Universidad de Alicante, Alicante, España.


Background: Mayflies are a small order of aquatic insects with nearly 3,500 species worldwide, in nearly 40 families and 460 genera. The highest diversity of mayflies is found in the Neotropics with about 900 species. Baetidae Leach, 1815 and Leptophlebiidae Banks 1900 are among the most diverse families of Ephemeroptera worldwide. Baetidae is composed of 956 species belonging to 239 genera. Leptophlebiidae has 643 species distributed among 247 genera in the Neotropical Region. Also, the Baetidae and Leptophlebiidae families are the most diverse in Cuba, with 12 and 13 species, respectively, likewise members of both families have a wide distribution in the archipelago. Objective: To describe the geographic distribution patterns and microhabitats used by mayfly species in both hidroclimatic periods in two rivers of the Sierra Maestra massif of four new records mayflies species. Methods: This study was conducted in the Yara and Nagua rivers, located on the north slope of the Sierra Maestra Mountain System, eastern Cuba. Fifteen sampling sites were established in streams from second to fourth order in both rivers. A total of five microhabitats were sampled in the pool subsystems: leaf litter, cobbles in pools, sand, and bank vegetation. Meanwhile, the riffles subsystem was assessed in the cobles in the rifles microhabitat. Mayflies were identified at the species level. Results: 20 species and four morphospecies are listed. Besides, new locality records to Caribaetis alcarrazae (Kluge,1991), Paracloeodes lilliputian (Kluge,1991), Poecilophlebia pacoi (Kluge, 1994a), and Traverina oriente (Kluge, 1994a) are presented for the Sierra Maestra massif range. Conclusions: The results of this study provide new information about the natural history, ecological and biological traits of these species, useful to implement biomonitoring programs and conservation strategies.


Não há dados estatísticos.


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Como Citar

López Del Castillo, P., Gómez Luna, L. M., G. Peters, J., & López Iborra, G. M. (2024). Checklist and Abundance with New Records of Mayflies (Insecta: Ephemeroptera) to Sierra Maestra Mountain Range, Cuba. HIDROBIOLÓGICA, 34(2). Recuperado de


