Differential effects on the toxicity and bioconcentration of hexavalent and trivalent chromium on the rotifer Lecane papuana (Murray, 1913) (Monogononta: Lecanidae)

Differential Effects of chromium in the rotifer Lecane papuana


  • Carlos Vicente Garza-León Centro de Investigaciones en Óptica
  • Cecilia Alejandra Fernández-Flores Benemérita Universidad Autónoma de Aguascalientes
  • Mario Alberto Arzate-Cárdenas Benemérita Universidad Autónoma de Aguascalientes
  • Isidoro Rubio-Franchini Instituto de Salud del Estado de Aguascalientes
  • Roberto Rico-Martínez Benemérita Universidad Autónoma de Aguascalientes


alternative test organisms, bioconcentration factor (BCF), intrinsic growth rate, lethal median concentration (LC50), metals


Background: While naturally occurring, heavy metals such as chromium, lead, and mercury also reach aquatic environments via anthropogenic activities, sometimes at alarming concentrations thereby altering the dynamics of the communities. Chromium, which is present in the discharge from automotive and tannery industries, occurs in two stable forms: trivalent (Cr III) and hexavalent (Cr VI). Because these forms differ in their chemical properties, their bioavailability differs and, as a result, so does their effects on organisms. Goals: The aim of our study was to assess effects of both Cr III and Cr VI on the rotifer Lecane papuana (Murray, 1913) by determining how these forms affect the demographic parameters of survival (l x ) and fecundity (mx ). Methods: we performed 48-h acute and 5-d chronic toxicity tests on both forms of chromium. In addition, we determined the bioconcentration factor and metal body burden after 24-h exposure to Cr III and Cr VI. According to their respective LC50 values our results indicate that Cr III was less toxic than Cr VI (Cr III = 2.613 mg/L; Cr VI = 0.177 mg/L). Results: Intrinsic growth rate was significantly affected by Cr III, while Cr VI caused no significant changes, but only at 0.0885 mg/L, a concentration representing 0.5 times of its LC50 value. Although Cr III was not as toxic as Cr VI, our bioconcentration experiments demonstrated that L. papuana accumulated more Cr III than Cr VI and did so at concentrations of environmental concern.


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Biografia do Autor

Roberto Rico-Martínez, Benemérita Universidad Autónoma de Aguascalientes

Profesor-Investigador Titular "C".


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Como Citar

Garza-León, C. V., Fernández-Flores, C. A., Arzate-Cárdenas, . M. A., Rubio-Franchini, I., & Rico-Martínez, R. (2023). Differential effects on the toxicity and bioconcentration of hexavalent and trivalent chromium on the rotifer Lecane papuana (Murray, 1913) (Monogononta: Lecanidae): Differential Effects of chromium in the rotifer Lecane papuana. HIDROBIOLÓGICA, 33(3). Recuperado de https://hidrobiologica.izt.uam.mx/hidrobiologica/index.php/revHidro/article/view/1639


