Further observations on a hypothecal pore in the genus Protoperidinium Bergh (Dinoflagellata)


  • Yuri B. Okolodkov Laboratorio de Fitoplancton Marino y Salobre, Departamento de Hidrobiología, División CBS, Universidad Autónoma Metropolitana–Iztapalapa, Av. San Rafael Atlixco No. 186, Col. Vicentina, A.P. 55-535, 09340 Mexico, D.F

Palabras clave:

Dinoflagellates, hypothecal pore, Protoperidinium, thecal morphology


The data on 21 Protoperidinium species (including 8 species assigned to the genus Peridinium, which
supposedly also belong to the genus Protoperidinium) with a hypothecal pore on the first postcingular plate are summarized. The hypothecal pore is shown to be present not only in the species with the first apical plate of the para-type, but also in some species with the meta-type. It is confirmed that the pore is almost exclusively associated with the hexa second intercalary plate. The pore is thought to be present in closely related species and to be a reliable diagnostic feature to differentiate Protoperidinium species. At least five groups of morphologically similar and supposedly related taxa can be distinguished: (1) Protoperidinium affine, P. pallidum and P. pellucidum; (2) P. curvipes and P. variegatum; (3) P. diabolum and P. dodgei; (4) P. cruciferum, P. cf. cruciferum, Protoperidinium sp. 1 (meta-hexa) and Peridinium acutum; (5) P. ovum and Protoperidinium sp. 2 (para-penta).


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Cómo citar

Okolodkov, Y. B. (2017). Further observations on a hypothecal pore in the genus Protoperidinium Bergh (Dinoflagellata). HIDROBIOLÓGICA, 13(4), 263–269. Recuperado a partir de https://hidrobiologica.izt.uam.mx/hidrobiologica/index.php/revHidro/article/view/1132




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