Presence of genus Caulerpa in Campeche Bay, Camp.


  • Miroslava Del Carmen Pacheco Cervera Escuela Preparatoria “Lic. Ermilo Sandoval Campos”-UAC. Av. Agustín Melgar s/n Col. Buenavista, Campeche, Camp., 24030, México
  • Isaí Pacheco-Ruíz Instituto de Investigaciones Oceanológicas, Universidad Autónoma de Baja California, A.P. 453, Ensenada, B.C., 22800, México
  • Julia Ramos Miranda Centro EPOMEX-UAC, Av. Agustín Melgar s/n Col. Buenavista, Campeche, Camp., 24030. México
  • Neidy Pauline Cetz-Navarro ECOSUR, Apdo. Postal 424, Chetumal, Q. Roo, 77000, México
  • José Luis Soto Ávila 7a. Zona Naval, Secretaria de Marina Armada de México. Domicilio conocido. Carretera Lerma-Campeche. Lerma, Camp., 24500, México


Chlorophyta, Caulerpa ashmeadii, Gulf of Mexico, macroalgae, new record.


In 12 stations of the Campeche Bay six species of the genus Caulerpa, including C. ashmeadii as a new record for the region, were found. Just one station had the highest number of species in the dry seasons and north. The dry season had the highest number of species per station. C. prolifera and C. ashmeadii were the most common species in the three climate seasons. The greatest numbers of species were found at stations in the Northeast and the lowest number in stations of the southwest, the latter associated probably with anthropogenic impacts (inputs of hot water from a thermal power plant and municipal waste discharges). This result suggests the necessity of policies to improve water quality and reduce organic waste dumped off the coast of Campeche. With these new records, the number of Caulerpa´s taxa from Campeche increases to 25: 12 species, seven varieties and six forms. The results endorse the necessity of conduct phycofloristic studies in Campeche.


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How to Cite

Pacheco Cervera, M. D. C., Pacheco-Ruíz, I., Ramos Miranda, J., Cetz-Navarro, N. P., & Soto Ávila, J. L. (2017). Presence of genus Caulerpa in Campeche Bay, Camp. HIDROBIOLÓGICA, 20(1), 57–69. Retrieved from




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