Evaluación de la actividad aglutinante de extractos de macroalgas presentes en las costas del Atlántico Mexicano


  • Graciela De Lara-Isassi Laboratorio de Ficología Aplicada. Departamento de Hidrobiología. Universidad Autónoma Metropolitana-Iztapalapa. Apartado Postal 55-535. México, D.F., C.P. 09340.
  • Sergio Alvarez-Hernández Laboratorio de Ficología Aplicada. Departamento de Hidrobiología. Universidad Autónoma Metropolitana-Iztapalapa. Apartado Postal 55-535. México, D.F., C.P. 09340.


Agglutinating activity, Mexican Atlantic, seaweeds


It was tested hemagglutinating activity of aqueous extacts from twentyseven macroalgae species collected off the atlantic coast in Mexico. 75% of the species studied gave postive agglutination with rabbit erythrocytes, 47.2% of these speceies shown activity in a 1:64 dilutions. The agglutination titre against human erythrocytes was observed in algal extracts that agglutinated two or more human blood groups (44.4% of the species). There were specificity in agglutination of A positive blood group with Cymopolia barbata and for O positive group with Gelidiella acerosa extracts. No regularity among the agglutination due to the taxonomic group of algae was observed. We report the first time the presence of agglutinins in Cladophora sericea, Cymopolia barbata ad Penicillus capitatus (Chlorophyta); Hincksia breviarticulata, Padina boergesenii, Sargassum vulgare and Sargassum cymosum (Phaeophyta) and Bryocladia cuspidata, Bryocladia thyrsigera, Digenea simplex, Gracilaria blodgettii, Gracilaria mammillaris, Gracilaria venezuelensis, Haliptilon cubense, Laurencia intricata and Pterocladia capillaceae (Rhodophyta).


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How to Cite

De Lara-Isassi, G., & Alvarez-Hernández, S. (2017). Evaluación de la actividad aglutinante de extractos de macroalgas presentes en las costas del Atlántico Mexicano. HIDROBIOLÓGICA, 8(1), 67–72. Retrieved from https://hidrobiologica.izt.uam.mx/hidrobiologica/index.php/revHidro/article/view/709




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