El crustáceo Artemia frnciscana alimentado con Spirulina spp. fresca, como dieta de especies acuáticas comerciales


  • T. Castro Barrera Laboratorio de Artemia. Deprtmeento El Hombre y su Ambiente. Universidad Autónoma Metropolitana-Xochimilco. Calz. del Hueso No. 1100. Colonia Villa Quietud, Méico, 04969, D.F.
  • R. de Lara Andrade Laboratorio de Artemia. Deprtmeento El Hombre y su Ambiente. Universidad Autónoma Metropolitana-Xochimilco. Calz. del Hueso No. 1100. Colonia Villa Quietud, Méico, 04969, D.F.
  • J. Castro Mejía Laboratorio de Artemia. Deprtmeento El Hombre y su Ambiente. Universidad Autónoma Metropolitana-Xochimilco. Calz. del Hueso No. 1100. Colonia Villa Quietud, Méico, 04969, D.F.


Amino-acids and fatty acids essential for aquatic organisms, Artemia franciacana, Spirulin spp., nourishment, dietetic composition


This paper presents the nutritional quality of Artemia franciscana, cultivated at the former Texcoco lake and fed with fresh Spirulina spp., it offers the comparision with others results where diets with rice brine, Chaetoceros spp. and dry Spirulina spp. were used and also with some native strains without any applied diet. On the other hand, the paper displays the need that fishes and crustaceans in generla have of the mino-acids and fatty acids, and the fact that Artemia fed with Spirulina can provide them. The results and conclutions of this paper indicate that A. franciscana cultured in Texcoco and fed with frsh Spirulina spp. contains between 58% to 62% of protein and satifies the nutritional demand, particularly essential amino-acids and fatty acids of fishes and crustaceans. Nevertheless when larvae of marine organisms are concern their diet should be enriched with HUFA fatty acids 20:5w3 and 22:6w3. These acids can not be synthesiez by the larvae of marine organisms and can not be provided by rtemi fed with Spirulina.


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How to Cite

Castro Barrera, T., de Lara Andrade, R., & Castro Mejía, J. (2016). El crustáceo Artemia frnciscana alimentado con Spirulina spp. fresca, como dieta de especies acuáticas comerciales. HIDROBIOLÓGICA, 4(1, 2), 15–20. Retrieved from https://hidrobiologica.izt.uam.mx/hidrobiologica/index.php/revHidro/article/view/559


