Características limnológicas de pequeños embalses epicontinentales, su uso y manejo en la acuicultura


  • J. L. Arredondo-Figueroa Depto. Hidrobiología, C.B.S., UAM-I, Apdo. Postal 55-535, México, D.F. 09340, MÉXICO
  • A. Flóres-Nava Depto. de Recursos del Mar, CINVESTAV-Mérida. Apdo. Postal 73 CORDEMEX, Mérida, Yucatán, MÉXICO.




The importance of epicontinental small bodies of water as a resource of animal protein for human consumption and their disponibility in the southeast and Central Plateau of Meico were analized. Limnological behavior of some of them are described and for each case the management and explotation in aquaculture activities are discussed.

Permanent and temporary ponds are the most numerous and they present three alternated ecological sucession phases: transition, dilution and concentration, with different limnological characteristics. Dilution phase is the most suitable for the introduction of ingerlings and larvae. The sand excavation are considered oligotrophic and mesotrophic systems with a low circulation of water and poor primary productivity, and can be utilized in high yields polyculture, including native and non-native species. Permanent "aguadas" and "cenotes" do not present good quality of water for aquaculture porposes and only temporary "aguadas" has a potential because limnological behavior is seemed to the temporary ponds. In spite of karstz excavations has high hardness, they present a good level of limnological parameters for several species, specially in cages and ranching. Finally, the fish ponds has been increasing in number and represent a high potential due easy management and control of water quality. There are about 1,500 Ha and 22,000 cubic meters that produce near of 1,600 tons per year of fish and crustacean. It can be recognized two kinds of them and some has high primary productivity and yields, specially in the Central Plateau of Mexico.


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How to Cite

Arredondo-Figueroa, J. L., & Flóres-Nava, A. (2016). Características limnológicas de pequeños embalses epicontinentales, su uso y manejo en la acuicultura. HIDROBIOLÓGICA, 2(1, 2), 1–10. Retrieved from


