Durinskia yucatanensis sp. nov. (Peridiniales: Kryptoperidiniaceae), a new planktonic dinoflagellate species, and its habitat in coastal Yucatan waters, Gulf of Mexico
autecología,, fitoplancton, microscopía electrónica de barrido, morfología tecal, nueva especieAbstract
Background: In the coastal waters of the northern Yucatan Peninsula, in the southeastern Gulf of Mexico, numerous pelagic algal blooms have been recorded in the 21st century. In August 2010, an unknown small-sized Peridiniales species caused an intense bloom in the Sisal marina. In subsequent years, it was occasionally found at other sites along the Yucatan coast. Goals: The main objective of the present study was to name this dinoflagellate as a new species and determine its ecological preferences. Methods: Phytoplankton blooms were monitored from August 2011 to September 2014. Fixed cells of the studied species were examined in a JEOL JSM-7600F scanning electron microscope. Its ecological preferences were evaluated using multivariate permutational analysis and generalized additive models (GAM). Results: The name Durinskia yucatanensis (Dinophyceae: Peridiniales) with the thecal plate formula Po X 4’ 2a 6” 5c 4s(?) 5”’ 2”” is proposed for a previously recorded Kryptoperidiniaceae species from the northern Yucatan coastal waters. Dissolved inorganic nitrogen positively correlated with cell abundances for both the exposed coast and marinas, especially in July-August, characterized by high water temperature (31-32 °C). Chlorophyll-a was the only parameter that presented significant spatio-temporal variability among years, months, and sampling sites. The GAM showed that temperature and salinity can predict changes in abundance in different study zones (exposed coast and marinas). The highest values were observed in the Progreso-Chicxulub area along the exposed coast in 2011 and only at Dzilam in marinas during all studied years. Conclusions: The species appears to prefer eutrophic conditions typical for marinas along the northern coast of Yucatan.
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