The work by J. Agardh: Algae Liebmanniae, revisited 175 years later.

Algae Liebmanniae, 175 years later


  • Francisco F. Pedroche


istoria, ficología, Mexico, Liebmann, floristica


Background. Frederick Michael Liebmann explored Mexico for two years visiting Veracruz, Oaxaca, and Puebla collecting plants, seaweeds, and freshwater algae. These samples were entrusted to J. Agardh in Lund for determination and published in 1847. Goals. Recognize Liebmann and J. Agardh for being the pioneers in the study of Mexican algae and update the taxonomic and nomenclatural status of these names, the first ones in the phyco-inventory of Mexico. Methods. We consulted the integrating works worldwide such as the Index Nominum Algarum (INA) and AlgaeBase whose main task has been to collect scattered and unclear information on the algal names published to date. The original publications and criteria of the International Code of Algae, Fungi and Plants were used, citing the articles or recommendations offered to clarify, resolve, or endorse any taxonomic opinion. Results. Twenty-one species listed by Agardh, for the entire itinerary of Liebmann's expedition, consisting of 196 names, were considered new. Eight additional new species from other collections were described by him. Only twelve of them are names in current use (accepted taxonomically). There are included 27 non-Mexican taxonomic or nomenclatural proposals. Liebman's contributions represent 12% of the total taxa (1698) registered for Mexico. The new species described by J. Agardh are 1% of this total, and eight are part of 23% of the endemisms for the Pacific of Mexico. Conclusions. The origin and taxonomic significance of some of J. Agardh's proposals have remained uncertain after 175 years, so it is necessary to carry out studies that delve into these taxa to arrive at an accurate and updated inventory.


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How to Cite

Pedroche , F. F. (2023). The work by J. Agardh: Algae Liebmanniae, revisited 175 years later.: Algae Liebmanniae, 175 years later. HIDROBIOLÓGICA, 32(3). Retrieved from



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