Caracterización de las comunidades microbianas asociadas a un florecimiento cianoalgal en una presa de León, Gto. México mediante secuenciación de regiones variables de los genes que codifican la rARN 16S y 18S


  • Laura Valdés-Santiago


Comunidades microbianas, florecimientos cianoalgales, Planktothrix, rARN 16S, rARN 18S.


Background. Algal blooms have become more frequent due human activity, including climate change. Analyzing of microbial diversity during the events provides information of how disturbances are shaping ecosystem. Metagenome-based analysis provides a molecular approach that gives an overview of the dynamic of the cultivable and uncultivable microbial communities during the bloom. Goals. Our goal was to determine the microbial diversity: the species richness, and their abundance in the dam “El Palote” León, Gto. that presented algal bloom. Methods. Prokaryotic and eukaryotic Microbial community composition was analyzed by 16S and 18S rRNA amplification and sequencing. Results. Biodiversity taxonomic analysis was measured by Shannon index showed similar distribution patterns between samples taken at surface and two-meter depth, while Simpson index presented differences. The prokaryotic dominant phyla were cyanobacteria of Planktothrix genera (67%, 0 m and 69%, 2 m), Proteobacteria (13.7 and 13%) and Bacteriodetes (6 and 8.2%). Regarding eukaryotes the dominant groups were Opistholokonta as well as Stramenopila, Alveolata and Rhizaria (SAR). Quantile based analysis showed relative abundance differences Flavobacterium spp. Aeromonas spp., Rheinheimera spp., Cetobacterium somerae and Cryptomonas curvata were majority at two meters depth, while Methylocaldum szegediense, Pseudospirillum and Aeromonas sobria presented high abundance at the surface. Conclusions The results showed an overview of microbial communities asociated with a cianoalgal bloom dominated by Planktothrix agardhii-rubescens.


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How to Cite

Valdés-Santiago , L. . (2021). Caracterización de las comunidades microbianas asociadas a un florecimiento cianoalgal en una presa de León, Gto. México mediante secuenciación de regiones variables de los genes que codifican la rARN 16S y 18S . HIDROBIOLÓGICA, 31(1), 93–105. Retrieved from



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